Blogs & Articles

  • Understanding the Value of a Strategic Marketing Review

    Understanding the Value of a Strategic Marketing Review

    2023… You set out the year with a great plan in hand.  You’ve invested quality time into your Marketing Strategy and crafted a strong Marketing Plan lining up with your Product Roadmap that is set to deliver those ambitious targets.  Then, as you start off the year, there are some major technological changes in your…

  • How to Navigate Ambiguity for Strategic Clarity in Business

    How to Navigate Ambiguity for Strategic Clarity in Business

    Ambiguity can be defined as something being open to more than one interpretation.  It is also associated with uncertainty and a lack of clarity. In business, few leaders would dispute or discount the importance of strategic clarity.  However, notwithstanding the noble intent, most of us will concede that our lives, workplaces, and society are characterized…

  • How to Pivot Effectively in 2024

    How to Pivot Effectively in 2024

    The release of Chat GPT nearly 12 months ago, brought about incredible public awareness and perceived understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI). And don’t get me wrong, like many of my peers I am obsessively studying new releases and different apps leveraging the advances in Generative AI, aspiring to get my head around the technical details…

  • Ignite your Growth with a Data-Driven Strategy

    Ignite your Growth with a Data-Driven Strategy

    My love affair with data started at the dawn of the new millennium, working at a marketing research company.  I was about to write my first research report and reviewed a set of data tables produced by the stats team.  Hunched over, pencil in hand staring down at a sheet of printed papers,  I started…

  • Sonder, the Key to Empathy and Authenticity in Business.

    Sonder, the Key to Empathy and Authenticity in Business.

    In my recent re-immersion in the latest business and marketing literature, I was reminded of the term ‘Sonder’. This concept of sonder was coined by John Koenig in The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows. It refers to the realization that everyone you meet is living a life as vivid and intricate as your own. The notion of…

  • How to Get Started with Revenue Management.

    How to Get Started with Revenue Management.

    Have you ever met a stranger on a long-distance flight, and spent a couple hours together, sharing life stories and philosophies?  Then, at the end, as you get up to leave the plane, you realise you never even asked each other’s names.    This is somewhat like my experience with a discipline that I now…

  • How to Grow your Business.  Ask Four Key Questions.

    How to Grow your Business.  Ask Four Key Questions.

    Have you ever tried to teach a teenager how to drive a car? It takes some effort to logically outline the steps, right?  And then, you need to make sure that the way you explain the steps, makes sense in the context of their perspective of reality.  Of course, that’s because when we have been…