Category: Revenue Management

Manage revenue growth throughout the customer lifecycle with continuous data-driven decisions across acquisition, in-life management and retention.

Through understanding customer behaviour, pricing strategies, and product offerings I will guide you through a holistic process of Revenue Management across customer acquisition, retention and in-life management, until this become the entrenched way that you look at your business performance.

  • Ignite your Growth with a Data-Driven Strategy

    Ignite your Growth with a Data-Driven Strategy

    My love affair with data started at the dawn of the new millennium, working at a marketing research company.  I was about to write my first research report and reviewed a set of data tables produced by the stats team.  Hunched over, pencil in hand staring down at a sheet of printed papers,  I started… Read more

  • How to Get Started with Revenue Management.

    How to Get Started with Revenue Management.

    Have you ever met a stranger on a long-distance flight, and spent a couple hours together, sharing life stories and philosophies?  Then, at the end, as you get up to leave the plane, you realise you never even asked each other’s names.    This is somewhat like my experience with a discipline that I now… Read more