The ClearGrowth Process.

Discover. Design. Execute.

Identifying your business’ most profitable growth drivers is key to unlocking your next growth phase. However, knowing how to use that insight and how to execute with operational excellence are equally important. The ClearGrowth Process guides you through three phases allowing you to capitalise on your growth potential and stop leaving money on the table.

Discover is the foundation of the ClearGrowth process. During this phase, we do an in-depth analysis of the internal and external environment as relates to your current and future business objectives and aspirations. We will cover:

  • Macro-economic environment
  • Industry drivers
  • Competitive analysis
  • Target market analysis
  • Internal performance analysis
  • Marketing Mix review (Product, Price, Distribution & Promotion)

Through this process, the strategic opportunities for growth and risks will be revealed. Interpreting these will provide a succinct view of the most profitable growth drivers for your business.

Output: Growth Drivers workshop & written report

This phase answers the question as to how you could capitalise on the specific growth opportunities.

It is an interactive process that will help you arrive at Smart Action plans to make the most of your growth opportunities.

Firstly, the identified growth drivers are evaluated against a viability matrix tailored for your business objectives to arrive at a prioritised view of the opportunities to pursue.

Next, robust brainstorming sessions are held to identify possible initiatives that could be considered to capitalise each of the opportunities.

Lastly, the smart action plans are then formulated enabling your team to implement the initiatives with clarity and focus.

Output: Smart action plans

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